05/12/11- Here are some pictures from the final few weeks of the trip. Check out
all the action in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy!
03/30/11- After 9 months of traversing 9 countries Devon and I have decided to lay
our saddles to rest in Panama City, Panama. Many thanks to our family, our friends,
and our growing network of followers. Your help and support carried us through the
hills and mountain ranges. Throughout our adventure we had the pleasure of meeting
many generous people who fed us and gave us a warm home for the night. Our journey
was enriched by your hospitality and company. For 9 months we intimately got to know
the land and the people surrounding us. It truly has been the journey of a life time.

03/14/11- We made it all the way to Costa Rica! To reward ourselves we have spent
2 full days exploring the Monteverde area. From night hike to zip lining through
the jungle we have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. During our down time at our enchanting
hostel, Casa Tranquilo, we put together pictures from Guatemala to the beginning
of Nicaragua. Check out our Central America album!

03/5/11- I finally did it! I’ve uploaded some reviews of a couple of Mexican Micro
Breweries we had a chance to try out waaaaaay back in Guadalajara. After checking
out my reviews of Cerveceria Cucapa and Cerveceria Minerva you can head out and try
to find one of these brews to try out yourself!
02/22/11- The past two days we have been surfing at El Tunco on the coast of El Salvador.
Well, maybe it would be more accurate to say we have been paddling around until
a ten foot tall wall of water demolishes us. In between bouts with the ocean we
put together a couple of photo albums covering the last stretch of Mexico. The first
covers the colorful city of Oaxaca and our journey to the windswept coast through
the agave covered hills of the state. The second explores the Ancient Ruins of Palenque.
02/16/11- Our border crossing into Guatemala was a breeze. The small town of Ciudad
Hidalgo had no wait at the migration office to receive our exit stamp from Mexico.
On the Guatemalan side of the border we also strolled right into the office. Just
2 and a half days of riding in Guatemala has gotten us 100 kilometers from the border
of El Salvador. Everyone has been extremely friendly, often cheering us up hills
and through towns.
The Scrimshaw Project is an interactive travel revolution!
Starting July 1, 2010 Devon Ponds and Jessica Wilson embarked on a bike tour from
Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Panama City, Panama. Within you will find a multimedia experience
linking you directly to the ride!